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Atticus: Secret Lies: Adair Empire Book 4 Read online

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  “Swamp?” I question.

  “Oh, honey. We have so much to fill you in on. Atticus says you have kittens, too?” The first blonde grips my hand, pulling me up the steps.

  “I got them!” One of the other girls says cheerfully.

  “Be nice to her, Lilith!” Atticus says, and the woman holding my hand grins at him over her shoulder with a shrug.

  “We’ll see you boys in a while.” She pats the tall, dark, formidable one as we pass, and I have to assume that’s King. “Don’t worry about them, they’ve got war room talk to be had, and we get you to ourselves before Atticus feels the need to mark your domain.” They all laugh, and it takes me a minute before I realize what they mean, and a blush creeps up my neck.

  “Oh, sweetheart, don’t be embarrassed. It’s one thing you’ll have to get used to around here.” The red-head smiles softly.

  Lilith leads us to the kitchen and pushes me onto a stool by the island. The kittens are placed in front of me, and as I’m about to open the crate, I pause. “Can I let them out?” I don’t know how these women feel about this—my animals being here.

  “Oh, please do. It’s been so long since I’ve had a pet,” the second blonde smiles with excitement. “I’m Talia by the way. Castiel is my other half. This is Ariel, and she’s Luther’s keeper. And that is King’s Queen, Lilith.”

  “Oh, shut up with that.” Lilith laughs at the inside joke. Seeing my puzzled expression, she explains. “King calls me his queen. They like to tease.”

  “I’m Catalina. That’s West and East,” I point to the dogs as they walk through the kitchen and sit at my feet. “They’re really friendly. It’s just all so new.”

  “And these two?” Ariel is practically shivering with excitement. “Luna.” I pull out the white furball. “And Zoe.” They both immediately begin crying out for attention and weaving around my arms.

  “We’ve got all the cat and dog food you’ll need until you’re settled enough to get what they like. Dishes are in the corner over there. King had a doggy door installed beside the patio as well, so the dogs can come and go as they please.” Tears rush to my eyes at their kindness and acceptance of the only things in my life that genuinely mattered until Atticus showed up.

  He was right. I didn’t have a thing to worry about as this group of women rush to soothe me and help my animals get settled.


  “Still no sign of Thomas?” Castiel asks.

  I shake my head. “I’ve got some of the locals Catalina trusts on the lookout for his body should it wash up in a river or a hunter finds him. But nothing yet.”

  King nods before looking to Luther then says, “You sure she’s ready for this life? She’s not like the other girls.”

  I expected the question. Doesn’t piss me off any less. “Yeah, she’s good.” It’s all I say. I can’t convince them. They’ll have to see for themselves.

  “She’s more than good.” Dimitri walks in the room. “Girl’s got more guts than I’ve seen from an innocent in a long fucking time.”

  Luther glares at him. Castiel still doesn’t trust him yet, but King has given him his loyalty. After everything that happened on that mountain, he’s got my trust.

  “Good.” King rubs a hand across his jaw like he’s got something on his mind. “Lil is pregnant,” he bites out. It’s hard to tell if he’s happy or pissed.

  “Congrats?” Carver laughs. “You look like you’d rather chew on nails, boss.”

  “She’s a bigger fucking target. But fuck, the minute she told me”—he pauses to let his grin shine through—“I couldn’t be fucking happier.” If anyone deserves that happiness, it’s King. His whole life has been shit. Never had a goddamned good thing happen to him until Lil.

  “Congrats, man, gonna be interesting having a little prince running around the castle.” I shake his hand, genuinely happy, but slightly jealous because I want—no need—to get Cat pregnant. I need there to be something solely ours.

  “Or princess,” Luther points out, and King glares so hard that I’m shocked he doesn’t fall into a black hole.

  “Shut your fucking mouth. No girls. Not now, not ever,” he growls.

  “Have no fear, my King, you’re getting your prince.” Lilith saunters into the room and crawls into his lap. “Until next time. I want a princess.”

  “Fuck,” King hisses.

  “Ariel took Catalina up to your room, Atticus. She was looking exhausted.” I nod. “I like her, a lot. I’m happy for you both.”

  “Where’s Talia?” Cas asks, looking slightly worried.

  “Playing with the kittens in the kitchen.” Lil smiles wickedly.

  “Fuck me,” he groans walking out the door.

  “Put a baby in her!” Dimitri calls out to him. “That’ll settle her little ass down.”

  He turns back around laughing, and we all stare at him. He’s never been so open about family matters before.

  “Does that mean there’s a little Petrov in your future?” King deadpans, and D goes green and walks out.

  “I’m going to check on Cat,” I tell them and head upstairs. The sounds of Cas groaning and complaining about animals are coming from the kitchen.

  As soon as I enter my room, I know she’s asleep. The stress of the past few weeks and then meeting her new family must be weighing heavily on her shoulders.

  Removing her shoes, I get her settled in bed before I go for a quick shower. The heat loosens my tense muscles enough that I’m able to relax and crawl in bed with my sweet little lamb. Our lives have intertwined in a way I wasn’t sure we could make work.

  Seeing her being accepted into the fold so easily has been a relief I wasn’t willing to admit to being worried about. Cat did that enough for the both of us.

  Holding her in my arms now, I know that whatever life dishes out we’re going to work through. Hopefully with a baby in our near future.

  Three Months Later.




  They all blossom from my chest and flow through my body like an out of control river. He did it. He swore he did. I just refused to believe him. But Atticus did it.

  He got me pregnant.

  We’re having a baby.

  “Well?” Talia calls from the bedroom.

  I open the door, and all three girls are standing there waiting for the results.

  “It’s positive,” I whisper. Half afraid to say it out loud. After watching Ariel and Luther suffer through a miscarriage two months ago, I was afraid to be happy, but she smiles at me. She glows, in fact, and I gasp. “You are, too!” I point to her.

  “What?” She shakes her head. “I’m not.” Tears hover in her eyes.

  Walking to her, I grip her hand and drag her back in the bathroom. I hand her the two extra tests I bought. “Pee on them. Both. Right now.”

  “You’re insane, Cat.” She smiles, and I see the pain.

  “Do it, Ariel. Please do it.” I’ll keep begging if I have to.

  Sighing, she gives in. “Fine, but you’re wrong.” I leave the room, shutting the door behind me.

  “I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who saw it,” Lilith confesses quietly, rubbing her swollen belly. “She’s been radiant for a couple weeks now.”

  Clasping hands, we wait past the toilet flushing, the loud gasp, and hold our breaths when the door opens, and tears are freely flowing down Ariel’s cheeks.

  “I’m pregnant,” she cries openly.

  “Talia’s turn!” Lilith says excitedly as we all hug and huddle in a circle.

  Sisterhood was never something I expected to have in my life. Not like this. These girls are so much more than friends. They’re my family, and as we console Ariel while she worries about another miscarriage, I just know that these babies are going to be loved and protected with everything we all have.



  I hadn’t meant to eavesdrop. I knew the girls were up here doin
g something, but I missed my Cat after a morning at the docks. With the McCray clan gone, life has gotten back to our typical kind of normal.

  Now, another baby.

  My baby.

  “Lamb?” I call quietly as the girls cry together. She looks startled when she sees me. The women have bonded far better than any of us thought. “Atticus.” Her tears spill over as she runs to me. “You did it. We’re having a baby.” The happiness in her voice and body can’t be masked.

  Overtaken with emotion, I drop to my knees. I can feel tears hanging onto my lids as it hits me. “A baby,” I murmur into her hair.

  “We’ll leave you be.” Lilith kisses Cat’s cheek and pats my back as she and the other girls leave.

  “Atticus?” I’m quiet so long she worries.

  “We’re good, little lamb. So fucking good.” In my arms is every-fucking-thing I never dared to want or imagine I was going to have.

  “I fucking love you, Catalina, so much.” My mouth crashes down on hers, and we spend the rest of the day making love and celebrating.


  * * *

  Three Months Later.

  I stare around King’s office—the war room—as we wait for him to speak. I have no patience to be here. Not now. She’s waiting for me. Or more likely, I’m jonesing to see her.

  Meadow doesn’t know that I watch her nearly as often as I do. She sees me. Sometimes. Other times she’s lonely.

  The past nine months have been hell on the Empire. Thomas McCray waged war on our family, on the innocents of this world, and had Atticus and Catalina not taken him out in Alaska, I’ve no doubt that he’d be back to flesh-peddling in the underworld. And that we’d never tolerate.

  To say I was disappointed after being told that I wouldn’t get to introduce him to Mercy—my Jagdkommando tri-edged blade. The twisted titanium makes gutting a man easier than any other. Death comes swift or prolonged depending on my mood.

  With Thomas, it would have been as prolonged as I could have made it.

  “Can we get on with this already?” Luther looks to the door expectantly.

  “Got somewhere to be, Luth?” Dimitri laughs. The man is braver than I thought him to be. Luther still wants the man’s head on a platter for what he facilitated with Timothy.

  “More like someone.” Luther smirks, and I see D’s gaze slide to Danny-boy. Something’s going on there. Much as I’d like to find out what, I don’t really give a flying fuck.

  “King!” Lilith screams as she bursts through the door looking frantic as she waddles her pregnant belly over to him. Frightened. There isn’t much that will do that to her. “Get out. All of you. Out.”

  “Lilith.” King’s tone holds a warning.

  “They need to leave, King, right now. They have to go. Please.” Tears stream down her pale cheeks, and I know immediately what it is.

  “What’s happened to her?” I snap, walking closer to her.

  “You have to go, Carver. Please. You all have to leave.” Her insistence won’t sway me.

  “Where’s Meadow, Lilith?”

  She looks to King, as if for permission. We all know she’ll do what she wants. It’s all for show. “Tell him,” King says.

  Turning her phone with shaking hands, she hits a button to play a video.

  “Lilith?” Meadow’s sweet voice precedes her face, and before another word is said, Luther and Atticus have their hands on my arms. Holding me in place as fury and murder shoot through me.

  “Lilith, I don’t know what’s happening. I stayed away like he told me. I’m sorry.” Her frightened voice plays through my mind as I search her face for every bruise, every little nick and cut on her perfect porcelain flesh.

  “You see, King, I’m not gone.” Thomas’ laughter follows his voice. Shock courses throughout the room. Even without finding his body ourselves, we all stupidly assumed he was dead after a body was found a little over a month ago. The elements and wildlife made identification nearly impossible up there, so we’ve been waiting on confirmation. Now we fucking know. “I have the last piece of innocence in your life, all because you told her to stay away.”

  “Carver?” At the sound of her voice saying my name, red rage takes over my entire being. He’ll die for this. I’ll filet his ass and watch as he takes his last breath. There’s nowhere he’ll be able to hide from me.

  “I’ll bathe in his blood, King. He’s mine,” I snarl as the video ends with Meadow’s tears tracking down her cheeks.

  Lil gets in my face. Her features a mask of dismay. “You’ll slaughter him, Carver.” While her eyes are filled with worry, her voice is as deadly as I’ve ever heard.

  “He’s going to die by my hand alone.” It’s a vow I will hold onto until the end of time. “When I find her, she’s mine. No more fucking around, Lil. You’ll give her to me.”

  “She’s yours.”

  “D and D, you’re with me.” I point to Daniel and Dimitri as I leave the room. No destination in mind but finding out where McCray could be. Looks like Mercy gets her fun after all.

  * * *

  The End.

  * * *

  Carver will meet you in your nightmares.

  Next in the Empire

  Carver: Past Lies

  Coming June 20, 2018

  Unedited/subject to change

  Chapter One


  “Carver!” King yells at me as I pace back and forth in the war room. “Are you fucking listening to me?”

  “Not unless you have a fucking address.” I bark, and Lil watches me with pity. It may be her sister McCray has, but we all know it’s my woman.

  “Not with your snapping and snarling.” Luther chimes in.

  Stomping over to him–relaxed in his fucking chair, while my girl suffers–I whip out Mercy from her holster at my back. The blade twinkles in the dim light of the fireplace as I tell him, “I’ll split any mother fucker open who tries to stop me this time.” I level King with a hard glare.

  He thinks he can reign me in. He thinks that by throwing me a bone every once in a while, he curbs my blood lust. He’s wrong. It’s been building for years and years. Thomas is going to experience every type of deprivation I can conjure up in my mind.

  McCray didn’t know it then, but from the first moment he thought touching Meadow was a good idea, his life was over.

  “I’ve got him!” Daniel comes racing in the room, Dimitri on his heels, the two have been inseparable for months.

  I don’t give him a chance, I grab the paper form his hand and walk out with the sounds of Luther and King screaming at me. Atticus grabs his pistol, while Castiel gets his keys. The girls stare from their spots at the staircase as I walk past. Lilith nods her head in permission, she knows. I’ll get Meadow back, my beast is ready to be unleashed.

  Foaming from the mouth like a rabid dog, I have one destination, one goal, in mind.

  Thomas McCray will die by my hand.

  The only mercy he’ll find is at the end of my blade.

  About the Author

  Krystal is a proud Canadian girl, hailing from Sherwood Park, Alberta. She has a strong dislike for the winter, and a love for spring. Married to her husband Steve, for 13 years, they have 4 beautiful red headed spawns ranging in ages 5-12. She has a strong love of coffee, sarcasm, and wine. (Not necessarily in that order either.)

  Krystal loves to write about instalove between couples looking for love. She has a passion for contemporary romance and springs into menage as often as she can.

  For in the moment updates you can join her reader group – KL’S FIGHTERS.

  Also by KL Donn

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight

  Emily’s Protectors

  Kennedy’s Redemption

  * * *

  The Possessed Series

  OWNED by Dominic

  One Dance for Case

  Lost & Found

  * * *

  Love Letters Series

bsp; Dear Killian

  Dear Gage

  Dear Maverick

  Dear Desmond

  Love Letters boxed set

  Dear Steele (Coming Soon)

  * * *

  Hogan Brother’s

  One Chance

  One Choice


  * * *

  What Happens When Series

  Anonymous Bride (Kindle World Novella)

  Tainted Love (Coming Soon)

  * * *

  Adair Empire





  Carver (Coming June 20, 2018)

  Grasping For Air (Coming July 24, 2018)

  * * *

  Safe, in His Arms (Coming August 21,2018)

  * * *

  Daniels Family

  Until Arsen

  With Kol (Coming September 2018)

  Before Noah (Coming December 2018)

  * * *

  Brantley’s Way

  * * *

  Task Force 779

  Missing in Action (Coming soon)