Once Upon A Time: Timeless Love Book 1 Read online

  Once Upon A Time

  Timeless Love Book 1

  KL Donn





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  About the Author

  Also by KL Donn

  Copyright © 2019 by KL Donn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Bullying is a very under-rated problem across the world. This book was written with my daughter in mind. Like many others, she was bullied. Like many parents, I was sometimes helpless, and my countries laws are very restricted in what they could do. Writing bullied helped me vent some of my frustrations about it. I needed to get my feelings out in the best way I knew how.

  Stand up for yourself! Stand up for others! Don’t be afraid to speak out and ask for help, tell someone, and if you’re scared please check out PACER’s National Convention Center. There are tons of resources on there and remember you are NOT alone!



  Once Upon A Time…

  Cecilia Marks was bullied.

  Bullied her entire life because of an accident she had no control over, Cecilia began college hoping for a fresh start. To her dismay, she’s been faced with the same bullies only with crueler taunts and words that can slice deeper than the sharpest of knives.

  A short run-in with a stunning man had her world turning upside down in ways she never expected.

  Landon Powers was possessed.

  Walking back into college ten years after he left, Landon hadn’t expected to fall for the gorgeous brunette he ran into. But there she was, soft- spoken, unassuming, and the strongest woman he’d ever met. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. Including making it known, she wasn’t to be bullied.


  For my daughter Savannah, you were the inspiration behind these words, the strength behind this story. There is nothing you can’t do baby, so keep doing you! Love you banana!



  Aggressor. Tormentor. Tyrant.

  All fancy words dressed up for what someone can truly be.

  A bully.

  Plain and simple. Ignorant and rude.

  I should know. I’ve been bullied my entire life. At least, for as long as I can remember. I’ve been a nothing and nobody to anybody for far longer than I care to admit. I’ve become a punching bag to those who feel they have a worse off life than me.

  I’ve waited for years to break free, become a woman my parents would have been proud of. I wish they could have been here for me. That they could have watched me grow into the woman I’m becoming.

  Then again, I don’t think they’d like the way I get treated.

  Freak. Trash. Loser.

  That’s me.

  Cecilia Marks.

  Always the victim.

  Chapter 1


  College is supposed to be different. It’s supposed to be about new life, growing up, realizing we don’t have to be complete jerks to our peers.

  Not for me.

  Everything’s the same.

  The bullies, the teasing, the names. Apparently, some people didn’t get the memo about leaving high school behind. The trouble with going to the state college is that so did most of my classmates from kindergarten and beyond.

  I’m a little bit of a nerd with the classic look of frazzled dark brown hair, big glasses on my face, and oversized clothes. I’ve always tried to shrink into myself when switching in between classes, but it never works. They still seek me out, find my hiding places.

  The horrible thing is, not a single person has ever inquired about the scar running along my cheek. No one wants to learn about why I hide from the world. They don’t ask what happened. Never bother to find out that I was nearly killed in a car accident when I was three. That I was thrown through a window which ultimately saved my life but not without leaving scars of its own.

  They have no idea that it’s a miracle I’m alive today. That sixteen years ago, I should have died right along with my grandparents. They don’t know I have more scarring along the rest of my body.

  At nineteen, I shouldn’t feel shame when I look in the mirror. I shouldn’t carry it with me like a badge. I repeat to myself that it’s everyone else’s shame, not mine. It has to be theirs. If I let it become mine, it’ll bury me in the nightmares.

  As I walk through the halls on my very first day of college, I can hear the whispers. Feel the stares boring into my back. Self-consciousness pricks at me, and I pull the sleeves of my sweater down to hide the tiny marks on my hands. Combing my hair forward as a mask to cover my face, I’m not paying attention to where I’m going and hit a wall. Only the masculine laughter screams it’s not a wall. Blowing the hair away from my face, I gaze up to see startling green eyes searching mine. His piercing stare is attached to the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. A strong, hard, chiseled jaw frames full, plump lips covered with a crooked smile and a matching crooked nose—it had to have been broken more than once.

  It’s not until his gaze begins to wander that I’m snapped out of this spell he’s weaved on me. As soon as his eyes find the disfigurement on my cheek, my body freezes and cries all at once.

  I need to leave.

  Before he can judge me, too.

  Breaking free of his hold, I try to run. For once, I’m able to ignore the murmurs around me.

  * * *


  What the hell just happened? One minute I have this gorgeous dark-haired goddess in my arms and the next, she’s gone. Vanished. Like it never happened. Except I can still feel the imprint of her lithe body with the perfect curves pressed into my own. My cock still aches for her.

  I was watching her draw into herself, shrinking before my very eyes when she ran into me. Her pain was palpable as people whispered, stared, and pointed. Full grown fucking adults watched as other adults picked on her. Teachers, professors, students, they were all fucking assholes as far as I’m concerned.

  Fascinated by her strength, I won’t lie, I wanted to meet her. Get to know her story. I hadn’t meant to run into her so hard. I only wanted her attention. From the first touch, my body reacted to hers. She’s soft where I’m hard. Her curves mold to my frame. Her breasts planted against my chest felt delectable. Had it not been for the audience, I’d have liked to throw her down and have my wicked way with her.

  After grasping her wrist, I wait for her to look up at me before she can dart away. “Hey there,” I speak quietly. Waiting for her to look up to me is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Bending slightly, I try to meet the beauty’s eyes as she darts a quick look at me beneath her lashes. Catching her attention now, I watch as her gaze roams my large frame. Likely trying to decide if she’s quicker than me.

  When her melting chocolate stare clashes with mine, I’m shocked to see the scar marring her cheek. In no way does it take away from her beauty but considering the pain she must have endured leaves me breathless.

  Schooling my features, I notice her attention is on
my lips as I lick them slowly, imagining the naughty things I could do to her body. “Are you alright…?” I let the question dangle in the hopes she’ll tell me her name.

  Enchanted by her, I’m hypnotized as she sticks the tip of her tongue out to wet her pink lips, copying my own actions. I almost lose my senses and stifle a groan as it tries to break free when her silky voice gives me what I need.

  “Cecilia,” she whispers, sucking on the same lip she just licked.



  “Cecilia,” I say, needing to play with it on my own tongue. “Cecilia,” I whisper again. Yeah, I can imagine moaning my pleasure in her ear for the foreseeable future. “A lovely name for an even lovelier woman,” I tell her sincerely. The immediate blush staining her cheeks is adorable and only serves to turn me on further.

  I can picture that sexy stain climbing her body as I devour her sweet pussy for hours on end. Lost in thought, I miss what she says next until my brain registers her turning form.

  Shaking myself out of my lustful thoughts, I stride up to Cecilia and place a hand on her back as we walk. Low enough that with each step, I feel the movements from her plump ass. “I’m Landon Powers,” I introduce, hoping to warm her up to my presence.

  As soon as my name passes my lips, Cecilia stops mid-step. Turning to me, she pales further, and worry begins to fester. “Landon Powers?” She repeats my name back to me.

  “Yes.” I frown.

  “As in the older brother to Ashley Powers?” The disgust in her voice is confusing.

  Hesitating in my answer, I’m not sure whether to be shocked that she hates my baby sister or the fact that Ashley has done something to deserve it. “Yes, she’s my younger sister.”

  Without response, Cecilia turns and leaves. Just like that. She walks away like my entire world hasn’t just upended. Not willing to lose her, I begin to follow when someone from behind grabs my wrist tightly. Glaring down to the offending hand, I see perfectly painted nails and travel the arm up to its owner. Scowling at Ashley’s face, I’m not eager to see her right now when she’s the reason Cecilia ran away from me.

  “What?” I snap, more than irritated with her. Ashley is a spoiled brat who, more often than not, gets her way with our parents. Because of our age difference—her twenty and me thirty-one—we’ve never been very close. There hasn’t been a lot of reason for us to spend time with each other.

  “Damn, Lan, what crawled up your ass and died?” Ashley’s mocking is waylaid by the fact that her eyes are trained on the gorgeous specimen who just ran from me as she rounds a corner and disappears out of my sight.

  “What do you want, Ash?” Annoyed by her presence after meeting Cecilia, I forget why I’m here to begin with.

  “Well, I can only assume you’re here to give me the new credit card from Daddy and not here for that piece of trash.” Her sneered words and condemning look aren’t missed, but I don’t have time to deal with her right now.

  Reaching into my jacket pocket, I pull out the card and hand it to her. Leaving her with a word of warning before I follow my girl. “I control this one, Ash; you have a limit. Be wise in your spending habits, or you just might run out.”

  With her mouth flapping open and closed like a fish out of water, I chase after my goddess. My relationship with Ashley is further strained because of her greed and reckless spending. I do take half of the blame for not connecting with her better, giving her a better sense of direction. I could have spent time with Ash when we were younger, but she always annoyed me. She argued about everything, and I’ve always had the hope that she’d grow up one day and become the responsible person our parents raised her to be.

  Spotting Cecilia’s chestnut hair flowing freely above a tight pair of jeans attached to curvy hips, I take off into a jog, so I don’t lose her again. Reaching her, I lightly run my fingers through her hair, whispering in her ear, “Found you, my goddess.”

  Cecilia’s shocked stare whips around to meet mine. She obviously didn’t believe I’d come for her because she fled. “Wh–what do you want?” she stutters.

  I let a smile break out across my face as I move in closer to her. Wrapping one arm around her fleshy hips, I pull her in tight to my body as I weave my other hand into her soft hair. Giving a light tug so her head is forced back and she has to meet my eyes, I can’t help wondering what her luscious lips would look like wrapped around my cock.

  With her mouth opened slightly, I can see her pulse drumming a rapid beat in her neck, practically screaming for me to take her home and do all kinds of delectable things to her body.

  “You, Cecilia.” Her mouth opens in a shocked ‘O’ as I lean down to her lips. “I want you.” I breathe into her mouth. When her tongue sticks out to wet her lips again, I can’t help myself.

  I need to taste her.

  Firmly taking her lips in a kiss unlike anything I’ve experienced before, I devour all her soft moans and sighs as she melts into me. With her hands on my chest flexing and gripping like she isn’t sure whether to pull me closer or push me away, only enflames my desire to show Cecilia how good we’d be together.

  Nibbling her lip, I force my way into her mouth, tangling my tongue with hers, making sure to show her who is going to own her in the near future. When she starts to rub herself against me, I slow the kiss down, not wanting to take her in the middle of her school for everyone to see.

  “I’ll pick you up after class,” I whisper in her ear, sucking the lobe gently to get her attention.

  “I…can’t,” she pants, out of breath.

  “You will,” I demand, a deep growl in my voice vibrates through my chest, making sure there’s no room for argument.

  A cough behind me forces us apart, and she can breathe a little more freely. The whispered, “Slut,” has me seeing red. Whipping around, I find the culprit with a smirk on his face, laughing with his buddies.

  Stomping over to them, I grab the little dickhead by the front of his shirt and slam him against the wall. “What in the fuck did you just say, boy?” Menace leaks from my pores.

  Looking him up and down, I deduce one thing, he’s an over-inflated jock with an even larger ego who thinks he’s hot shit or he wouldn’t be spouting off at the mouth. Not to me, anyway. “What?” He shrugs. “It’s true. She’s a frigid bitch who wouldn’t put out in high school. Now, all of the sudden, she’s fucking men left, right, and center? She’s a whore.” His buddies laugh again.

  Without thought, my fist shoots out and into the jock’s gut faster than any of them can blink. “Try a-fucking-gain, dickwad,” I snarl threateningly.

  “Stupid fucking freak.” He hisses in pain. “She got a golden pussy or something? Or maybe she swallows when she blows?” His buddies laugh again, not with as much gusto as previously, though. “Should stick my dick down her throat, show her how a real man does it.” His own laugh is nervous now.

  “Are you fucking stupid?” If I could get away with it, I’d break this little son of a bitch’s neck. When he doesn’t answer me, I lean in close to his face. “You know who I am?”

  “Who the fuck cares?” he snaps, full of bravado.

  Another fist to his gut has the punk coughing and sputtering. Fucker’ll feel that in the morning.

  “I’m Landon motherfucking Powers, boy. If I wanted to, I could own your stupid jock ass.” I can see realization dawn in his now scared eyes. Confidence and cockiness gone. “You see your mistake, now?”

  “Shit,” he spits out. “I didn’t know, man.” As if that excuses his behavior.

  “Who the fuck cares!” I roar. “Since when does that give you permission to speak to a fucking woman that way? Are you really that dumb? All of you?” I direct the last question to his friends. Fear enters each of their gazes.

  Satisfaction rolls through me that I’ve broken through their thick skulls until I realize my precious girl is gone. My anger, no doubt, scared her off.


  * * *

/>   Cecilia

  Watching as Landon lost his cool because a couple of stupid jocks called me a slut for basically humping Landon’s leg was frightening but kind of hot as hell. The anger clouding his vision quicker than his lust for me was a major turn on. And that more than anything scares the crap out of me.

  My body has never reacted so vigorously towards a man before—not that I’ve had many opportunities. But I’ve never felt myself simply melt from a look either, and when he’d called me his goddess, I became a pile of goo. Panty-melting, pussy-dripping, puddle of lust in the middle of the floor kind of melted for him.

  Landon Powers possessed me in that moment.

  Until he hit the idiot calling me sick names.

  No matter how well-deserved it was, I can’t get on board with any type of violence. I’ve spent too many years being the punching bag for too many bullies to stand around and watch something like that happen in front of me. I’m simply not wired to bear witness to someone else being on the receiving end of pain, so I ran before things escalated further.

  I know who Landon is, so I’m not worried about him getting into trouble for putting the other man in his place. He owns half the damn town, so I know he’ll walk away no problem.

  Bursting through the doors of the economics building, I shuffle quickly to the bus stop only a couple of minutes from here in the hopes that Landon won’t realize I disappeared. Thankfully, he doesn’t know my last name, so he shouldn’t be able to find me. At least not immediately. It’s not like most of those people even recall my first name, let alone my last, so it’s unlikely they would give him any information on me.